Thursday 9th September
IMAGINE – 50th Anniversary Screening
Free Entry [please book free tickets below]
Doors open 7pm – tickets available on the door
Film starts 7.30pm
Sept 9th 2021 is the 50th anniversary of IMAGINE – and the Trades Club is taking part in synchronised screenings of John & Yoko’s IMAGINE film worldwide.
The 65 minute film was directed by John & Yoko in 1971 to accompany the soundtrack of John’s IMAGINE album, with a few tracks from Yoko’s FLY album – all filmed at their house Tittenhurst in Ascot, in London, and also in New York. One of the first major feature-length longform music videos. In 2018, the film was cleaned up, restored and remastered in pristine HD and the sound remixed in Stereo, 5.1 Surround and Dolby Atmos, all under Yoko’s supervision.
With everyone starting exactly 7:30pm UK time on 9th September, the screenings will be accompanied by a Tim Burgess (Charlatans UK) Tim’s Twitter Listening Party – where many of the original musicians from the album and participants in the film will watch along at the same time and comment on Twitter, including Yoko Ono, Alan White and Klaus Voormann; the Estates of John Lennon, George Harrison and Nicky Hopkins; filmmakers Nic Knowland and Doug Ibold and many more – providing more context and a richer experience to enhance the music and the film. We hope all of you will be tweeting along too, and joining in the Experience.
We will be screening the film at the Trades on the big screen and using the clubs world class PA system.
Come and join us to celebrate the golden anniversary of IMAGINE.
We will be taking donations on the door for St Augustines in Halifax, who are helping refugees coming to Calderdale from Afghanistan.
Bookings are not currently available for this event.